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Watch Horrid Henry: The Movie Online Mic

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Watch Horrid Henry: The Movie Online Mic

Facebook's New Watch Tab Does Not Look Like a You. Tube Killer at All.

Coronation Street viewers were left 'sickened' as Bethany Platt was introduced to a third man in the show's sinister grooming plot. The teen has already been abused. Some people are fans of the Tampa Bay Bucs. But many, many more people are NOT fans of the Tampa Bay Bucs. This 2017 Deadspin NFL team preview is for those in the. The best opinions, comments and analysis from The Telegraph. Bears, they’re just like us. And I’m not referring to a subset of hairy humans, but to some furry critters in Wisconsin whose diets contain a staggering amount of.

On Wednesday, Facebook announced the rollout of Watch, what it is calling “a new platform for shows on Facebook.” It’s yet another foray by the social media company from the business of distributing other people’s content into producing and licensing its own, and differs from its existing video content in that it looks a lot like Netflix or You. Tube’s apps. Watch content will be “produced exclusively for it by partners,” who will take 5.

That content will be spread via channels like “Most Talked About” or “What’s Making People Laugh” categories that will be determined by how users interact with it. Watch will offer both a live comment feed where users can interact with the wider Facebook audience—something that already exists with Facebook Live streams—and the ability to “participate in a dedicated Facebook Group for the show.”Here’s a few shots of what it will look like on various formats, as shown in the press release. It definitely looks slick and polished, but even this initial glimpse hints that Watch is not the You. Tube or Snapchat killer Facebook wants it to be. Facebook’s launch programming for the new video section is, uh, not exactly the A- list talent one might think a company worth hundreds of billions of dollars could secure.

It includes Nas Daily, a show from a guy who quit his job to make one- minute travel videos “together with his fans from around the world” (a preview clip is titled “We Bought 1. Burgers”); a live show where motivational speaker Gabby Bernstein will interact with Facebook users; a cooking show where children will attempt to make a recipe; and in probably Facebook’s biggest grab, one live game of Major League Baseball a week. Another show mentioned in the launch is Returning the Favor, where host Mike Rowe “finds people doing something extraordinary for their community, tells the world about it, and in turn does something extraordinary for them.” Yet another focuses on “the passion and community of big- time high school football in Texas.”There’s a few more interesting options, like a NASA science show, and a live Nat Geo Wild safari program. But none of this seems particularly edgy or hard- hitting. It’s the definition of safe. This is the kind of generic filler that forms so much of You. Tube’s bread and butter—but if that’s all they have lined up, what could possibly lure people from You.

Tube itself, which has long been pumping out much more interesting content tailored to virtually every niche interest and community? Facebook’s content strategy is almost certainly to prove functionality and its ability to drive users to the service, and then try to lure other content producers to the service. But like a number of Facebook products before it, it’s unclear why publishers would want to use the platform. For example, Facebook Live already allows publishers to stream content like protests or post- Game of Thrones commentary live to their pages. They can also push regular video content wherever they want without an exclusive deal, whether it’s Facebook, Twitter or You. Tube, and all three of these channels can be embedded elsewhere. Another goal could be to compete with Snapchat, which lots of publishers have started using to push short- form video content.

But it’s not clear how Watch will get those users to return by replicating some of Snapchat’s functionality, especially since the latter company’s video content tends to be in reality or unscripted formats which seem nicely in tune with its overall aesthetic. This looks a lot like Facebook’s attempt to push publishers into the same kind of walled garden they built with Instant Articles. Large sections of the media were spooked it was a prelude to Facebook choking off traffic to other websites—why would Facebook let you link out when they can force you to live in the garden, right?—but the concept has stalled somewhat, as Instant wasn’t driving enough additional traffic to offset its lower advertising revenue. Facebook has a tendency to build platforms it just loses interest in. Instant is still around, but in a diminished role as Facebook tweaked its algorithm to drive users to friends’ posts, video content and most recently another story format to compete with Snapchat. In the past few days, it’s killed off its standalone Facebook Groups app and Lifestage, a “high schoolers only” Snapchat knockoff that ended up ranked #1,3.

App Store’s social media category. It’s certainly possible Watch will help Facebook swallow more and more of the internet into its ever- expanding gullet. But supplying a nice- looking video platform does not automatically create demand, and Facebook has repeatedly stumbled to create a business model that will keep both users and publishers inside of it instead of clicking out. We’ll see. No word on whether Donald Trump’s “real news” program will get a slot, but we doubt it.[Facebook]* Correction: Wednesday, not Tuesday.

Bethany Platt introduced to THIRD man in grooming plot. Coronation Street viewers were left 'sickened' as Bethany Platt was introduced to a third man in the show's sinister grooming plot. Watch A Dark Song Online Metacritic.

The 1. 6- year- old has already been abused by her older boyfriend Nathan Curtis in the harrowing storyline, as well as being raped by his friend Neil. On Friday night's episode, the teenager was introduced to Neil's friend Ian - with the suggestion that she may be made to have sex with him as well. Scroll down for video Sinister: Coronation Street viewers were left 'sickened' as Bethany Platt was introduced to a third man in the show's disturbing grooming plot. Third man: On Friday night's episode, the teenager was introduced to Neil's friend Ian - with the suggestion that she may be made to have sex with him as well In the disturbing scene, Ian says he is 'very upset' that he didn't get an invite to the last party. In response, Nathan asked Bethany - played by Lucy Fallon - whether Ian was 'good looking enough for one of our get- togethers?'When she answers 'I don’t see why not', Nathan tells Ian: 'Sounds like you’re in luck.' Abuser: Her boyfriend Nathan asked Bethany - played by Lucy Fallon - whether Ian was 'good looking enough for one of our get- togethers?'Victim: When Bethany, who is only 1. I don’t see why not', Nathan tells Ian: 'Sounds like you’re in luck' Viewers immediately took to Twitter in response to the latest development in the shocking storyline. One wrote 'Feel sick to my stomach watching those 3 being smug at Bethany's expense', while another added: 'Can't deal with how utterly vile those men are'.

Another posted: 'Those blokes are making my skin crawl. Poor Bethany'. Meanwhile, one viewer said 'These creeps make me sick! Bethany needs to get out quick!' 'Creeps': Viewers immediately took to Twitter in response to the latest development in the shocking storyline 'Utterly vile': Fans wrote that the scene on Friday night's episode made them feel sick.

Later on in the episode, viewers were also left shocked when Nathan was seen kissing his ex- girlfriend Mel Maguire. Last week, Bethany was coaxed into having sex with Nathan's friend Neil, who is much older than her.  Despite already being abused by Nathan, Bethany was this time forced into accompanying Neil into a bedroom at a party and instructing her to 'buy some more time' with him. Telling her to 'work her magic' on Neil, Bethany initially tried to chat to him on the sofa, before he took her into the bedroom and sat with her on the edge of the bed. A panicked Bethany sat frozen while Neil began to kiss her.'I am so scared for her!' Viewers were distraught as Bethany was raped AGAIN last week.. Tense: Bethany initially tried to chat to Neil on the sofa, before he took her into the bedroom and sat with her on the edge of the bed.

Harrowing: Friday night's episode didn't let up, as Nathan coaxed Bethany - who is 1. Neil, who is much older than her. Meanwhile, Bethany's mother Sarah called her daughter's phone to see where she was - but Nathan had it and rejected the call. In the bedroom, Bethany warned Neil that she and Nathan were an item and that she's 'not that kind of girl'; but to no avail. Turning her around and easing her to lie facing away from him, Neil then began a countdown, as Bethany lay with tears welling up in her eyes. Viewers took to Twitter to weigh in on what they were watching. Horrid: A panicked Bethany froze while Neil began to kiss her.

Upsetting: Turning her around and easing her to lie facing away from him, Neil then began a countdown, as Bethany lay with tears welling up in her eyes.'This storyline has been written, paced and acted superbly but - partly because of those things - it's almost unbearably grim,' one insightful tweeter posted.'So uncomfortable to watch but also a hard hitting real life occurrence. My heart breaks for Bethany,' came another fan's tweet.'The Bethany Platt storyline has really shaken me!' a third posted, echoed by another who wrote: 'This Bethany Platt story line is creeping me out.''The Bethany Platt grooming story makes me feel physically sick that this actually happens in the world to people,' another person added. Aiming to do good: The actor said the storyline has received a positive reaction from many survivors of sexual abuse.

To make matters worse, it transpires that things are about to get even more sinister next week, this time involving a third man. The nation has been gripped by the horrific storyline - which actor Chris Harper, who plays Nathan, said 'is only just the beginning for Bethany'. Having lost her virginity to Nathan - Chris revealed the storyline has received a positive reaction from many survivors of sexual abuse, as it's important that young girls are made aware of the dangers that anyone in this position could face. He said: 'Nathan has done it before to other people [groomed them] and is doing with other people still.

Bethany is falling in love with him. Talking to hosts Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield, he revealed Bethany will accept Nathan's proposal, as he hinted she will suffer another harrowing rape, after already been forced into sex by his friend Neil. Watch I Don`T Know How She Does It Online Hitfix. He said: 'Nathan has done it before to other people [groomed them] and is doing with other people still. Bethany is falling in love with him'He continued: 'She is going to be entering a dark space and Nathan introducing Neil is just the beginning.

Counsellors call it love bombing and it can happen to anyone''She is going to be entering a dark space and Nathan introducing Neil is just the beginning. Counsellors call it love bombing and it can happen to anyone. 'The perpetrator pretends to be your hero but Bethany to Nathan is a commodity. 'Nathan will be proposing to her and Bethany starts wearing a ring.

He wins her trust and makes her fall in love with him then flips it and plays on her age.'Phillip asked him if he thought Nathan's time on the street would be short- lived and he replied: 'I hope so.'Chris also spoke of the reaction he had received from survivors of sexual abuse. He said: 'Brilliant - just amazing. The community that's out there of victims and survivors, however they describe themselves, is brilliant.. Chris also spoke of the reaction he had received from survivors of sexual abuse. He said: 'Brilliant - just amazing. The community that's out there of victims and survivors, however they describe themselves, is brilliant..''They're used to just being splashed across tabloid headlines or ignored or labelled.'It's a fantastic role. I actually burst into tears when I found out I got the role. My wife, who's brilliantly supportive, is the one who suggested I run the London Marathon for the NSPCC. It's a great part, but I also got to be a part of a greater message.'Lucy, who plays Bethany, has previously spoken of the importance in raising awareness around the disturbing issue of child abuse following criticism of the show’s decision to air its current grooming plot pre- watershed.

Appearing on Loose Women recently, the 2. She said: 'It's important it is before the watershed. We're trying to target people who watch Corrie.

There are a lot of fans who are young teenagers, it's important that they watch it.’ For confidential support call Rape Crisis on Helpline: 0. Raising awareness: Lucy Fallon, who plays Bethany, has spoken of the importance in raising awareness around the disturbing issue of child abuse following criticism of the show’s decision to air its current grooming plot pre- watershed.